Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Run Toward the Tragedy

After the Boston Marathon bombing, there were reports of kindness and bravery in the midst of tragedy. One thing that I read over and over was that as the world watched the videos, we saw people running TOWARD the blast, not AWAY from it.

In his article, "Running Toward the Marathon Chaos" Zachary Bell wrote:
Yet last Monday, I saw something more jaw-dropping than the tragedy at the Boston Marathon itself: people, many of them civilians, running toward the chaos. I saw police officers, marathon runners, race volunteers and even bystanders who did not flee, but moved toward the bomb blasts, without regard for their own safety, trying to provide assistance to the injured.
While I listened, watched, read and prayed about Boston, I did the same for the Gosnell trial. Sadly, you may not even know what I'm talking about when I say Gosnell. This is from a transcript of an interview for PBS Newshour:

 Gosnell is being tried on eight counts of murder, seven of them for allegedly killing babies that prosecutors say were born alive and viable. The eighth count is for his role in the death of an immigrant from Bhutan. Attorneys say she died of an overdose from a sedative she was given. The case stems from an FBI raid on his Philadelphia clinic in 2010.
Investigators found horrific conditions and say he performed some abortions after the 24-week legal limit in Pennsylvania. 
It would be horrific enough if Gosnell's was the only abortion provider in the world. But he isn't.
Please watch this video from liveaction.org.

As Kathryn Jean Lopez writes, "This Is the End of Looking Away".

Are you turning away? plugging your ears? closing your eyes?
These babies and their mothers need a hero. Cry out for them. Run toward the tragedy. 



1 comment:

  1. Anna, wonderful insights and wonderful heart for the things the Lord wants us to be concerned about. elaine stockdale
