Saturday, July 2, 2011

M&M Night

Amelia needed some Mommy time so we had an M&M (Mimi and Mommy) night.

As soon as I woke up this evening we got ready for our evening of fun. Tess took this picture of us before we left. (Tess and Mommy evening coming soon.)

Amelia chose the restaurant. (She and her sisters always make me laugh. They have their FAVORITE restaurants and don't want to eat anywhere else. Do you know what they order when they go? A side salad. They don't understand why we don't let them pick the eatery. )

Amelia coloring her picture while we wait on the salad bowls.

Momma and Mimi enjoying the meal.

Ringing the bell after our dinner. Mmmm, good.

The next treat was Baskin Robbins. She would have forgone the dinner and went straight for the dessert if I had let her. She had been planning to take me to Baskin Robbins for a while now.

She cleaned out her piggy bank (and apparently her sister's too, we found out later) so that she could take us for ice cream.

Enjoying our cones. She got chocolate and I got chocolate peanut butter.

On the way home, happy literally pasted on her face, she said, "Momma, I love spending time with you."

Sweet enough to make the heart melt like ice cream on a summer's eve.

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