Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Restore, Chapter 5--The Power of Prayer

If we are to pray aright, perhaps it is quite necessary that we pray contrary to our own heart. Not what we want to pray is important, but what God wants us to pray. The richness of the Word of God ought to determine our prayer, not the poverty of our heart.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

One of the most special parts our "Restore" service was the time that we were prayed over. We knelt at the altar after Tommy spoke. We bowed our heads and hearts, as Bro. Dennis led the people of the room to pray for us. Some were able to come down to us, lay their hands on our shoulders, thank God for His goodness and beseech God on our behalf as we listened and tears streamed down our faces. We felt God's hand on us that day just as sure as we felt the hands of our dear family and friends. 

When we discussed the order of the service, I knew we needed this part as much as we needed the vow renewal--MAYBE MORE. Remember how I shared what Max Lucado said about the Church being arm supporters? Well, that day our tired arms were lifted high by a room full of beautiful believers to the GOD WHO RESTORES.

I hope that you have been able to have an experience like this before or had the comfort and joy of having a friend just put their arm around you and start talking to God for you when you can't speak yourself. Fortunately, I have been blessed to be surrounded in life by praying people. Ones that aren't ashamed to stop in the street and petition God for you or praise God with you if that's where you shared your prayer need with them. I know it doesn't have to be all the time, and I don't think I would want it to be, because then it might be more about show than what God wants. But I love it when God gives me the gift of leading someone to not just tell me that they will be praying for me but to just pray for me then and there, out loud where I can hear them as loud as God will. 

Is anyone among you afflicted (ill-treated, suffering evil)? He should pray. Is anyone glad at heart? He should sing praise [to God]. Is anyone among you sick? He should call in the church elders (the spiritual guides). And they should pray over him, anointing him with oil in the Lord’s name. And the prayer [that is] of faith will save him who is sick, and the Lord will restore him; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess to one another therefore your faults (your slips, your false steps, your offenses, your sins) and pray [also] for one another, that you may be healed and restored [to a spiritual tone of mind and heart]. The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].   
James 5:13-16, (AMP)

For no word from God will ever fail~Luke 1:37, NIV


Bend down, O Lord, and hear my prayer;
answer me, for I need your help.

Protect me, for I am devoted to you.
Save me, for I serve you and trust you.
You are my God.

Be merciful to me, O Lord,
for I am calling on you constantly.

Psalm 86-1-3, NLT


As we knelt, this song by JJ Heller played. Please listen and hear her voice tell the story of our hearts during that day.


  1. You really should put this in a book format...it would help so many couples who struggle.

  2. Thank you for telling your story. Very moving. I found your blog on MississippiWomenBloggers.com. I have nominated you for the Liebster Award! Here's the info: http://jennymacrogers.blogspot.com/2013/07/so-today-i-got-message-from-tally-over.html
    I hope you will participate so we can learn more about you! Thanks, and congratulations! :)
