I read a post an hour or so ago called "Distracted". The author of this post writes about how she and others have become distracted from Easter and its meaning by the political debate over the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and what it entails. I agree with her and I have had those same thoughts the past few days.
But for me, it has intensified my focus on Passion Week and the sacrifice made long ago. I have found myself pouring over scripture. I have been studying His life, devouring His speaking passages, and following His last days and His trail to the cross, death, and resurrection with a determined fixation.
If I am so burdened by the direction of our collected souls, how does my life show it? By the amount of Facebook status I post in His name? By the 15 minutes I spend in prayer about it a day, or even a week? Do I spit in the face of His sacrifice with my lack of sincerity?
Shouldn't my knees be bleeding or callused? Shouldn't my cheeks be hollow with fasting? Shouldn't the pages of my Bible be worn with turning? Shouldn't my eyes be red from weeping? Shouldn't my heart be full of repentance instead of pride in MY faith and MY God?
I have knelt before Him with sorrow streaming down my face for MY sinfulness. I have asked forgiveness for not being as upset about MY wrongs as I have been of other's. My need for a Savior is not less than anyone else's. I have spent time thanking Him for His grace and His blood, for His offering that allows us to escape the Hell we deserve.
I know that He knows what is going on in this world. I know He knows exactly how I should respond. I also know that He tells me to ask Him if I need wisdom. So, this week of remembrance, that is exactly what I have been doing. Begging Him for wisdom I don't have.
What would He do? What would He say? Would He quote scripture? Would He tell a story? Would He draw in the sand?
I have been asking Him if I should speak or if I should be silent. I ask Him to give me His words if He wants me to speak. I ask Him to give me His love. I don't want to be a clanging cymbal. I ask Him for a new way to share His love and Truth with the world; ways to share Truth with Love and Love with Truth. "Your word is truth."
The ways of the world remind me of our humanness and of His divinity. Our flaws remind me of His perfection. Our need reminds me of His Glorious Answer.
I stand EQUAL with all at the foot of the cross in need of His Grace and Redemption.
Anna Becoming
1 day ago
So true.